Well, it's happening! Despite the pandemic, we worked non-stop to bring a new edition of Nourish & Flourish to the world. This issue showcases various small businesses in America that you may not know much about. They are true artisans with great products ready to share with you for the holiday season!
In order to showcase Bunches & Bunches' amazing apron, I wanted to do something fun and different. I've been talking about creating more action food shots and this seemed like the perfect product. I was going to be using flour and it was going to get messy.
I was on my own, no one to assist me except my camera remote. I tried several shots using a timer but there were too many variables....setting the timer, getting into place, throwing the flour. After setting up the remote, I put it on the floor and clicked it with my toe. It took a few times to get into a rhythm but I feel it turned out really well for my first time. It's been about a month and I'm still finding flour around the studio area. I can't wait to do it again!!
All action shot settings: Canon 5D Mark IV, 42mm, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO 2500
I used two small 20"x28" rectangular softbox lights with diffusing covers to light the set. My studio is not very big so I usually have to dim the box lights and not overpower the set. I snapped off a few shots to test the intensity and direction of the lighting, then tweaked my camera settings.
I wanted a nice depth of field but I, personally, didn't want to be the full focus of the shot. The goal was to capture the apron "in use" while providing a fun eye-catching action with the flour. I took more test shots than anything. Once you have it set, you can focus on the action and snap away.
Here is the final image in Nourish and Flourish V3.
